October 2018 turned out to be a busy month for staff for education outreach.
- The District partnered with the Rusk County Agrilife Extension Office in Henderson and other presenters where we presented the District’s “Water Pipe Conservation” game to 325 third graders from across Rusk County and emphasis the importance of water conservation at the Rusk County Youth Expo Center October 9th. Pictures here.
- The District presented with the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation at the Texas Water Conservation Association on Groundwater Commingling and an overview of the District’s own Groundwater Commingling Prevention Program in San Antonio October 18th. See Powerpoint here.
- The District presented to the Rusk-Smith County Forest Landowners Association in Overton October 26th at the A&M Agrilife office on Basic Groundwater Rights in Texas and Services and Groundwater Rights in the District.
- We were also Featured as the District of the Month in the Monthly Newsletter put out by the Texas Alliance of Groundwater Districts. Where they focused on our Groundwater Commingling Prevention Program, our Abandoned Well Program, and operating permit methods were highlighted. Find article here.