The Rusk County Groundwater Conservation District (District) now has available on its web page access to the District’s Public Mapping System of documented water wells in the District. Features such as the Layers gives the user access to District wells, State wells, types of wells, FEMA flood maps, national weather service radar rainfall, water service areas and so on. Different base maps are also available to give the user different views from street view, satellite, topographic, pictometry view, and more. Enhanced features such as drawing, measurements, printing, and drawing radius rings for setbacks has all proven to be useful for accuracy and efficiency at the District and now is offered as a tool to benefit the public. We are glad to share this resource with our community. Since we released it to the public in December 2017 we have received great comments on how useful the mapping feature has been to individual users.
The District Partnered with the Panola County Groundwater Conservation District in 2016 and entered into a cost share contract between the two entities to create and design a Water Well Management Database and GIS Mapping System to update and upgrade our older systems for overall office efficiency and cost savings. Phase I of the project completed in December 2017 and Phase II of the project is now underway and should be complete by no later than May 2018. Phase II will provide more individualization and catering to our District’s needs since Phase I was a combination of similar features between our two groundwater conservation districts. There will be some added mapping features available to the public once Phase II is complete.
Please browse around the Water Well Mapping System, we hope you find it useful. You can find it at the previous link or on the main page of our website at