The Rusk County Groundwater Conservation District has been successful since 2009 conducting Geophysical Logs otherwise known as e-logs or a wireline unit on groundwater wells within Rusk County to gather data on the lithology intervals and groundwater data on our local aquifers. Wireline Logging is commonly utilized in the oil and gas industry and on water wells in Central Texas. Due to local conditions there are some areas in Rusk County that have the potential to allow commingling of different water qualities in a water well if the well was not completed properly by cementing off the different zones. The District has e-logged groundwater wells associated with oil and gas rig activity, production and exploration though District Rule 9.2.5 to prevent commingling and to date has successfully logged over 350 water wells. There are several benefits to e-logging water wells; 1) prevents commingling of different water qualities in groundwater and maintaining good chemical quality of the groundwater, 2) assists in identifying the producing aquifer of the well, 3) it assists with 3D modeling of the aquifers, which has assisted our District, and 4) it assists in improving the Groundwater Availability Model. To know more about this program please visit our District Programs for Aquifer Data Collection on our website.
The District’s logging equipment was purchased from Mount Sopris. Recently they put on a training of the e-log equipment in San Antonio. The RCGCD, the Edwards Aquifer Authority, and the Blanco-Perdenales GCD were able to participate. Mount Sopris posted the following article on their website of the training which shows the District’s interaction, click here for the article.